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Buttington Energy Recovery Facility

Buttington Energy Recovery Facility will significantly reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and export power to the National Grid.

The Energy Recovery Facility has been designed to generate around 13-megawatts of low carbon and renewable energy through the thermal treatment of up to 167,000 tonnes per year of non-hazardous, non-recyclable, household, residual, commercial and industrial waste.

Energy generated will be exported to the National Grid to help provide greater security to supplies. It is hoped that as the site develops heat could be generated to supply local agricultural industry, businesses, and new developments — cutting operating costs, whilst making use of a by-product.

Because of its energy output (greater than 10MW), the scheme is classified as a Development of National Significance. This means we need to apply to the relevant Welsh Minister for development consent, instead of the Local Planning Authority.

The scheme is expected to generate up to 300 jobs throughout the construction process and employ 30 permanent staff once the facility is fully operational.

It is hoped that a local jobs fair would be held, giving those who currently live and work in the area an opportunity to learn more about the employment positions which may be available.



Buttington Energy Recovery Facility